Saturday, April 20, 2013

Baby put your YOLO on

Well folks, it's hard to believe, but it's already April 20th, and you know what that means. . .
It's time to celebrate the iconic record!  That's right, it's the 8th annual Record Store Day right here in the US of A!  Believe it or not, more than 350 exclusive releases will hit stores for the first (and, in some cases, only) time in celebration of this occasion.  You can check out the full list of releases and formats on the Official Record Store Day website HERE.
You will see that most are on vinyl, and with EARTH DAY just 48 hours away, you can purchase these rarities with confidence, knowing that when their days as music-makers are over, they can be converted into amazingly iconic home décor items. . . clocks, mirrors, bowls, coasters, maybe even a pair of prized 45rpm bookends (with authentic spindle adapters)!
Oh, and what's our pick for the day, you ask?  Without question, it's the "YOLO" vinyl single by The Lonely Island with Adam Levine & Kendrick Lamar.  Now, go pick up your copy, after all, "You only live once," but those recycled records can live on-and-on. . .

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