Friday, August 19, 2011

Gardening that doesn't "Succulent!"

It's a win-win anytime you can find a creative way to reuse combined with bringing a little "life" inside your home or office. Our suggestion, upcycle an old container and fill it with a succulent plant. Succulents require little maintenance, so they're incredibly easy to take care of. They add a bit of charm to any space making great house plants (and gifts)!

The first step (and probably the most enjoyable) is to choose a container. Rather than a conventional pot, upcylce an old mug, vintage creamer, jar, or can to use as your planter. The options really are endless! If you like the look, but don't have any of these items handy- hit up a yard sale, or pick a charming tabletop piece from your favorite retailer. Either way, a non-traditional container will give the plant a unique and attractive home that looks good in the center of a table, on a desk, or a patio.

The next step is to get dirty. As we mentioned, caring for succulents couldn't be easier, so to plant them, no green thumb is required. Once you have selected your container(s), fill them with potting soil and place a succulent on top. When using succulent (echeveria) cuttings, they root easily, so it shouldn't take more than three weeks.

Finally, show your new plants a little TLC. You don't have to water succulents frequently (usually about one or two times per month). Be careful not to over water the plants since the water can't escape from the container. Succulents can live in these beautiful containers for a long while, just be certain to give them plenty of access to bright sunlight!

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